Wednesday, January 4

Mishel Aairah's one month!

a photo taken a few days after birth.
she was on iv.
seeing her hand poked with needle and hooked up to a machine was not a pleasant sight for me.
since it was for her own good, i couldn't help but to let it be.
she also had a tube in her mouth for the first few hours of birth.
apart from seeing her on the first time at the operating theatre for a few minutes, the next time i got to see her was on the 2nd day after i gave birth to her because i was still weak.
during the time that i didn't get to see her, my husband would take lots of photos and videos to show it to me.
he would also share his experience every time he visited his daughter.
listening to him share about our little girl makes me more eager to see her.
my husband even got a chance to feed her after the tube in her mouth was removed.

on the day she got discharged!
her dad role playing as a doctor.

one month later,
the 30th december she turned one month!
she was comfortably sleeping while we were celebrating her first month with my family members and in-laws.

at one month,
she likes to kick, everytime we swaddle her, she would kick until she free herself.
she is able to lift her head if we overturn her.
she is beginning to communicate with us by cooing and holding her gaze at the person in front of her.
she will be attentive when people called out her name and will turn her head towards the voice.
one day while playing with her, i caught her doing a half turn.
she is learning new things every day and i am looking forward for more!

dear Mishel Aairah,
mama and papa are grateful to have you.
soon, you will get to go out with papa and mama together!
we love you dear!
and today you are 5 weeks old sweetheart!

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