Monday, February 21

making it alive

this entry will give you a rough idea how our outdoor dinner reception was.
photos are taken from any sources that i can find.

the tentage,
we had ample space for 200 guests.

setting up.

the stage (almost done)
my husband and i went down early morning to check on things.

70% completed!

90% completed!

100% completed!

the entrance for guests to walk through.

sideview of the entrance and reception.

the red carpet surrounded with orchids.

guests mingling around at the reception area.

the guests start to come in.

the stage

the centerpiece on both sides.


buffet area.

the bride and groom's table

the cake.

2 projectors at each side for the instant wifi photography,
which is once the photographer has taken your photo,
it will be shown on the screen instantly.

when night comes,

the guests were having a ball of a time.

definitely more photos coming up!

that night was surreal and having you beside me smiling to me was a dream come true.

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