Tuesday, September 13

being pregnant part X

every week i lost count of how many times i look through the calender to count her progress.
i will flip through the rest of the months briefly except for november.
that is the month when our little fella is due.

as i look at the month of november,
there are a couple of dates that attracted me.
my husband is born on the 11th oct while i, on the 22nd dec.
so with our little fella due on november would be nice.

below is a list of perfect (due) dates in november.

02-11-2011 - my grandma's birthday
11-11-2011 - one month after my husband birthday
12-11-2011 - a mixture of 1 and 2
20-11-2011 - an easy date to remember the year she is born
21-11-2011 - a mixture of 2 and 1
22-11-2011 - my mother-in-law's birthday and one month before my birthday

my edd is a few days later than 22nd november.

i can only hope and plan but it is the Almighty who decides when she will come out and experience life on earth.
just as long she is healthy and hopefully there will not be complications when it is time!

talking on dates,
i have less than a month to plan for my husband's birthday.
still striking out ideas and writing new ones.

over the weekend,
i had a conversation regarding children with one lady during a kenduri.
i have to agree with her that it is only when you are pregnant you will tend to treasure your parents more, especially your mother.
it is true,
that is how i felt.
i feel more connected to my mom.
the pains, aches, uncomfortable things she had to pull through during pregnancy.
when you are older,
it will be the heartaches and headaches you give her.
the lady shared with me her experience while giving birth,
she said that she forgot about the pain when she got to see and hear her child.
she added that when her children are bigger,
she still scold them harshly but will regret her actions.
the love of a mother i guess.
a mother's love is true but at times a mother does not really know how to show and convey her love.

for fathers,
i guess they will be protective of their daughters,
just like mine.
and i can see that from my husband as well who is a father-to-be to our baby girl.
fathers can be loving when they want to and strict when they have to.
somehow i feel having a child will change an adult perception of themselves.

mama, papa and our families are looking forward to welcome you!
you will be greeted with a lot of hugs, kisses, laughters, smiles, teasing and tickles!
we will get to see you tomorrow for our check up!
i can't imagine your reaction next time when you are in your teens and you read mama's blog.
guess you will be squirming.
well i hope mama's blog will help you understand mama better.
never shoo either mama or papa away,
talk to us,
find ways to communicate with us,
we will always be there for you, to listen to you.
keep on making papa and mama smile sweetheart,
till the rest of our lives.

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