Saturday, November 20

the past 2 weeks

it has already been 2 weeks since i last update my blog.

life has been good, alhamdulillah.
things are sort of on track.
i can't wait to share a handful of things to you guys!

as of now,
i can say we are 70% ready.

the more i think about the day,
i realised,
it is not about looking good and smiling for the cameras,
not about how expensive nor how grand your wedding is.

it is about the warm feeling i will get from my families and friends when i change my status.
it is a celebration that people are happy for us and wish us the best for marriage's challenges.
it's the people that matters and in advance,
i would like to say thank you for those who will be coming.
it marks a journey for the both of us to start a family,
to build one that will guide us closer to the Almighty (Amin).

we will be attending our pre-marriage courses next week and i hope with the skills and knowledge we will be learning, it can enhance our relationship.

honeymoon is still not confirmed though we thought bali will be a nice place for us to explore.
we shall think of somewhere, again =)

apart from the wedding,
so many others things have been happening.

my december schedule is crazy!
with birthdays, appointments, meetings, weddings!
busy is good!

it has already been years,
yet i still enjoy your company and being together with you.

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