Friday, March 30

4 months and on baby food

Happy 4 months baby girl!

May you are always be blessed with good health!

I was excited before she turns 4 months because I can already buy baby food for her! 
She started eating baby food 3 days back.

The feedback that I got from my mom is that she is eating well.
She even finished the whole bottle.

So one day, my husband and I bought more for her to try. 

her reactions on eating 'Delicious Apple'
hehe! it must be sour.

Today I had a chance to feed her.

she really liked it. 
she would anticipate for the next spoon.
throughout the whole feeding, she didn't cry.
towards the ending,
she was babbling and smiling.

her finished look! 

she finished the whole bottle, it must be really delicious. 

I gave her some plain water in between the feeding.

Actually I was contemplating when to start her on the baby food.
Did my research online and most said try to delay till 6 months cause the baby might not be ready.

Why delay?
1. Baby's intestines need to mature.
2. Young babies have a tongue-thrust reflex.
3. Baby's swallowing mechanism is immature.
4. Baby needs to be able to sit up.
5. Young infants are not equipped to chew.
6. Older babies like to imitate caregivers.

However there are signs to show that your baby is ready. 
1. Head control
2. Losing the "extrusion reflex"
3. Sitting well when supported
4. Chewing motions
5. Significant weight gain
6. Growing appetite
7. Curiosity about what you're eating

To be on the safe side, do ask your pediatrician if you want to start on solid foods.
As a mother, you will somehow know when your baby will be ready.

Mishel is taking the baby food well,
another milestone for her. 

Baby sweetheart,
keep mama and papa amazed with the new things that you learnt.
we really enjoy the time we have with you.
love you. 

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