Monday, March 5

Mishel table facts!

this post will be about one of the diy-s that i did during Mishel Aairah's baby shower or cukur rambut.
instead of table number, i had table facts,
facts about Mishel!

it is simple.
i went to get the square 'already designed' paper from papermarket,
write down some facts about Mishel, cut it, pasted stickers and placed it on the table together with the helium balloons.

with the stickers

see at the balloon ribbons, notice the green tag?

the green tag is actually this on the underside. 

 Mishel holding balloon ribbons.   

Mishel Aairah, sweetheart,
you make us even happier.
every day, mama and papa are looking forward to know what new things you are gonna surprise us with.
we love you so much.
*hugs, tickles & kisses*

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