Tuesday, November 22

still a waiting game

here i am blogging away on a tuesday morning,
the 22nd of November which is my mother-in-law's birthday.
happy birthday Mak!

i am left a month more to my quarter of a century.
i have friends and family members whose birthday fall on the 22nd on different months except for March, April, May, June, July and August.
any of my readers birthday fall on 22nd of the above months?
let me know!

still on 22nd, a baby girl make her entrance today!
my primary school classmate, Mustika delivered her baby girl.
congrats Mommy!
you have a new hobby now; smelling your little one!

for myself,
i have yet to deliver and it is 4 days to my edd.
i would read up multiple websites on signs of labor, getting ready for labor, etc.
keep asking my mom and aunt about the pain.
been having (painful) contractions.
been squeezing my husband's hand several times.
sometimes it is confusing to differentiate the pain.
not sure whether i am hungry or having heartburn or stomachache.
went to the hospital triage twice thinking it was time but nay, it is just not time.
baby MA is still comfortable discovering inside my womb.
since she is not out yet,
waking up to every single day is exciting because i don't know when she wants to surprise us.

my old baby cot is all set with mattress, pillows, blanket and 2 soft toys.
last week was my husband and i first time to purchase pampers (what an experience!)
toiletries basket has been filled with medicated oils, powder, cologne, etc.
the pram is still inside the box.
baby clothes have been washed.
mom has been knitting shoes, dresses and hats for her.
all the above just to welcome our little one.
insya'Allah soon we will welcome her.

mama and papa are already on standby mode.
it doesn't matter whether you want to come out in the day or in the wee hours of the morning,
both of us will be there to greet you.
mama and papa have tried to convince you to come out,
we will try again (maybe bribe you again this time)
we love you sweetheart!

1 comment:

Nuramima said...

I am so happy for Mustika.. now my anxiety has switched to you. Please let us know on Twitter when your baby MA is coming out already. You must have been giving her a lot of warmth in there that she is getting a little too comfy. :) *hugs*