Monday, December 10

happy birthday pakcik!

it felt so good to splash the shallow water gently and playfully!
to have the cool rainwater touches my feet,
i felt like a small kid once again.
if i could, i would want to walk and play in the rain.
i was walking a long stretch of walkway, holding an umbrella on my left hand, having a bag hanging off my left shoulder, clutching a file on my left armpit and holding a styrofoam cup of tea on my right hand.
halfway, i stop my tracks and grip the cup with my teeth and search for my mobile phone just to take pictures of these.
the results?
my pants on the back got wet.

i realised that i couldn't avoid it thus why not make the best use of it?
i had a very fun time on my own.

i had a late saturday night.
i accompanied shikin to the airport to send a close friend's parents off and fetched my sister and cousins back and became a popeye's chicken delivery person to the partner.
and i got home all tired.

i am qualified first aider!
*winks* i can help save lives.
those who passed the test got their mini first aid pouch.

it was cool.

the date that marked 9 december was the partner's dad birthday.
happy birthday pakcik!
the partner's family and i had dinner to celebrate his day.
the four of us ate till we were breathless.

and i have a plan this evening.
to go for a meeting.
i wish it could end earlier (which i doubt so)

oh sweetheart, you're the best partner in my lifetime!

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