and it was an eye opener.
cries can be heard and some kids unwilling to let go of their caretaker's hands.
it was really, really cute.
i can't wait to send my children to school.
while holding her hands walking towards the gate,
people were already giving me stares.
those questionable stares.
well, typical.
and this girl here,
she didn't cry but she didn't want to line up,
she was, i guess, afraid.

when it's time for the kids to walk into their classes,
she went along with them.
the partner woke me up reminding me to pray subur.
him: come honey, let's wake up and pray together.
i am grateful for that.
i admit i've been skipping prayers and i realised i've been lazier.
now, the partner and i have been motivating one another.
there is a good start.
i hope it continues.
to me, i think praying has it's psychological and physical effects.
when i pray, i get to closer to god, i feel good, especially when i talk my problems to god.
He is the only one who is able to know what i'm feeling, He cares.
physical effects because it's like a mini exercise.
and once i did my ablution,
i feel refresh.
a guide to a good life is to have a good soul.
i can't wait for saturday!
when i'm awake, i think of you.
when i'm sleeping, i dream of you.
you fill my mind all the time baby.
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