two flowerly couple met up on saturday evening.
after tired of shopping around for his transformers,
we had desserts.


and we went to mustafa.

and he said: honey, it's all because of you that i got hooked to ice cream.
he loves ice cream now.
as usual,
every sunday,
i have to go over to mama in's house for religious class.
and the partner too.
and i'm beginning to like it.
to understand more about islam.
when evening came,
we played games.

insyirah, haziq and the partner fighting for the title.

the second round.

and we played win lose or draw.

the years that we are together has successfully bonded the partner well with my family members.
and that goes the same for me,
his parents are treating me like their own.
i can never ask for more.
all thanks to Him.
skuyur alhamdullilah.
i can't wait for tuesday!
i can't wait for wednesday!
ok random.
now i'm in pain.
wisdom tooth
4 ulcers (1 at the tip of the tongue, 2 under my tongue, 1 under my lip)
and the time of the month.
what perfect timing.
suffer all together.
happy monday readers!

my mind and heart are saturated with you.