Thursday, July 3

thank you.

good morning readers!
hang in there,
2 more days till the weekened!

and so the workshop that the partner and i registered for,
was postpone to next week.
i read through the programme again and still find it interesting.

session 1: love for a lifetime
session 2: communication and differences
session 3: resolving conflict
session 4: great expectations
session 5: intimacy, romance and sex

i don't mind travelling all the way to bishan to attend the courses because i know it will definitely help us to prepare ourselves before we get married.
and i am glad that the partner willingly agreed to join the workshop.

still in the topic of love,
i'll move on to family love.
those trips made me realised how happy i am to have my family.
mom, dad, nenek, afiq, syafiqah, fatin.
they really lighten up my mood.
now that everyone is busy,
i miss our together time.
no matter how hard or how easy the situation is,
we will pull it through together.
i know i can always count on them.
they will always be there to support me.
like the subaru challenge, the compatibility challenge and life challenges.
i will never forget the things every single one of them did.
that includes mama in, papa 2, insyirah, haziq, hazirah, atiqah, the partner's mom and dad.

and that goes the same for true friends.
many thanks to you for always being there for me.
you came down all alone twice to support me.
you touched me.

thank you everyone.
not only to those who are listed in this blog,
but to the readers too,
thank you for taking your time off and read a little about me.
if my blog does not radiate happiness to you,
please stop reading.
because i don't want to hurt you further.
as the purpose of my blog is to spread happiness around, and to keep note of my life.

and sweetheart,
thank you,
for putting up with my mood swings and constantly being there for me.
the most important thing,
thank you for loving me like no one did (apart from my family).
in return,
you have my heart.

most importantly,
syukur alhamdullilah.
thank you to the Almighty God.
that i am able to wake up the next day to experience life.