what a day!
even though it's a sunday,
a day/time for me to wake up late,
i woke up early in the morning today.
just to visit an event that the partner was in.
i am glad i came.
it was a garage sale and the proceed will go to hiv people.
there were so many things,
but something caught my eyes.
and i have to say that i am very pleased with my buy.
act of service ah. (points go uppP)
afterwhich i had to rush as i have tuition today.
follow up by the religious class.
by that time,
i was sleepy and weak.
the ustaz managed to convey his lesson in a very interesting manner that it makes me not to fall asleep.
because it has very useful information.
this is a month that human beings can easily go to heaven if they avoid temptations, control their desires and of course a month to do a lot of ibadah (praying).
at night,
the table was filled with food (thanks to grandma!)
the house was filled with chattering, and young kids running around.
it was lively!
of course,
the partner and his parents were here.
apart from celebrating hazirah which falls today and papa's birthday that was yesterday,
we did terawih together.
hazirah and dad.

dad and the kids.

it was a good feeling having all my family members and his together on this special occasion to welcome ramadhan.
i think this is the first time the partner and i terawih together and we are planning for more.
the adults were busily talking about stuffs,
kids playing games,
the girls was doing some online shopping.
and the partner and i?
we kept eating and eating!
and the both of us had a great time talking and laughing to one another.
we are in our own world telling each other jokes and random stuffs.
one thing for sure was that we were truly enjoying one another's company.
let's help, guide and encourage each other to make full use of ramadhan.
and honey,
i know you will make a good husband for me.
i've always been proud of you.
i love you sweetheart!