so today,
the 22nd sept marks my youngest sister birthday. (exactly 3 more months!)
be a good sister okay?
i will try to be good also.

the above happened yesterday.
fatin threatened atiqah that in order to eat the ice cream,
she must kiss her.
and so the little kid tried kissing her but fatin resist.
kesian budak kecil tu, sampai dia cry nak cium fatin sebab dia nak makan ice cream.
(pity the little kid, until she cry to try to kiss fatin all beacause she wants the ice cream)

syafiqah. atiqah. fatin.
atiqah waiting for people to feed her.

i miss eating waffles & ice cream that i asked my sisters to eat with me!
and today,
i will be seeing the partner again!
to break fast over at my house.
best lah!
ok fatin,
be good!
happy birthday!
i'm counting down the minutes!