you ought to know where this is.
geylang serai.
i went there again with the partner and his parents.
this time with a mission,
to get the partner and i matching baju,
sponsered by his parents.

it will be our third year to have matching outfit.
the first year,
every year while searching for the baju,
i feel bad making his parents walk all around just for me to find the suitable baju.
cause i'm fussy you see.
not fussy.
just very, very particular.
by the end of the search,
we got ourselves a pair of good looking baju.
thank you makcik & pakcik!
earlier this year,
his mom bought for me kain and it has been taliored
and grandma is sewing one baju for me.
thus this year,
3 sets of raya costumes.
the partner and i together with his parents had a great time walking through the bazaar and laughing at some silly things that caught our eyes.
since he had soccer at night and we were quite early,
the four of us head to ikea to just walk around.
ok lah,
obviously what i wanted to do on the below picture was a failure,

i was trying to camouflage the partner with the yellow bins.
it was too obvious that you can spot him.
of course every trip to ikea means to vanilla ice cream!
after his soccer,
the four of us had supper at west coast.
afterwhich home sweet home!
while inside the car,
his parents and i teased the partner!
even though it was pretty dark,
i can still see that the partner's face was flushed!
i laughed pretty hard my face got cramp when i stop laughing.
funny funny!!
we have so many things to look forward to,
there is no one else i rather be with.