in total,
there were about 12 families that came over my house.
each of the families had to take turn to eat since we had only a dining table with 8 seats.
the house were filled with chattering and the sounds transmitted from the tv.
and now i am
tired. sleepy. tired.
gonna be a quick post since i have to wake up early tomorrow and follow the partner and his parents to johor for visiting.
first to come were my grandma's chinese sister and her family.

nenek's sister and nenek.

syafiqah, insyirah & atirah
one of our boring moments.

like the past year,
the partner and his parents came over my house.

before the partner made his leave,
i took his hand and look him in the eyes and seek for forgiveness for my wrongdoings and what's not.
and so did he.
to end it off,
i kiss his hand.
just a few minutes after our 1,000 days,
the partner sent me a sweet message which i took some parts of it to share.
"well i sincerely wish e next 1000 will be even more fun, lovely and joyful. hrmm who knows by e time we hit 2000, we're blissfully married. well insyaallah."
i wish that too sweetheart.
thanks for loving me the best way possible.
i love you sayang,
all the time.