imagine you're watching a movie in a dark movie theatre,
after an hour being in there,
you started to feel thirsty and when you hold the cup,
it feels really light.
so you assume there's no more liquid in it and perhaps there might be some leftovers ice to munch.
while you opened the cover and tried to tilt the cup,
you were too engrossed in the movie that all you see in the white cup was dark liquid coming towards you.
and all you know,
the dark liquid spilled on you,
on your top.
that was what happened to me on monday while watching eagle eye with the partner.
the partner wasn't saved either.
some liquid did touched on a part of his sleeve and his arm.
my chest was sticky with pepsi that i had to wipe it and i left the aircon to dry the pepsi on my top.
that is how clumsy i can get.
eagle eye is a suspense movie that has interesting plot and lots of action,
and it did remind me of i, robot starring will smith.
catch it if you like suspense show!
after the movie,
we head back to the partner's place to help him out with his essay.
and thank god he managed to finish it.
in the car on the way back,
we were singing songs to our heart content and i even had a 'mic'
i was not right.
it all started while i was over at his house,
i was already goofing around.
and it carried on till the way home.
i'm pretty sure that the partner had a fun time laughing at his silly girlfriend.
we love singing in the car,
and one thing we have in common is that we don't really sing to the right lyrics when we start to forget the lyrics.
we just made something that rhymes to replace the verse.
to overcome it,
the partner suggested to have lyrics on the songs.
so basically,
there will be lines flashed on the screen.
in other words,
we will be karaoke-ing in the car.
i met up with dearest shikin.
i really miss her!
we catched up and we had so much fun and laughter together.
happy, happy times!
and i met up with the partner last night to have supper.
now i'm in school waiting for the next lecture to start.
and my mind seems to be in a whirl.
but it was much better than last night.
how can you ever get rid of something that is bothering your mind even after you have talked it out?
i guess it's the pre-menstrual syndrome.
it's coming, it's coming!
when it's totally hard to convince myself.
i need you to stand by me.