Tuesday, October 14


remember that both the partner and i attended a couple workshop, about building a lifelong relationship?
the one that we got it free.
something to freshen your memory,

and so we just attended the first 2 and we can't continue attending the last 3 since school term has start for him.
so recently,
we've got a phone call and email saying that we can continue the workshop in another group.

it's 2 days away!
and i'm getting excited.
this week will be about resolving conflicts.
something very useful and interesting.
i hope after this session,
whenever there is conflict,
i will take it in a calmer manner.

did you see the full moon tonight?
it's so bright and it seems happy.
just like how i felt after seeing the partner.
i really miss him.
we met up for dinner and we catch up on things.
i know he's still has some work to finish up but still he made time for me.
thank you honey!

love keeps me alive,
and i'm glad to have experience it.

my life can never get better than this.