Friday, August 7

can i?

i felt something that i never felt before in a very long, long time.
and it makes me think.
is it worth it?
should i ignore it?
or is it just the same cycle?

away from it,
i've been morbid lately,
i've been morbid for quite sometime.
and if it's not for the Almighty,
i would have been dead.

i've changed.
i wasn't the girl i used to be,
the one who thinks that she can strived for anything,
even the impossible.
now i just feel like giving up when the obstacles get tough.
and i wonder,
what causes me this way?
my mental state has been haywire.
how can i incur this disease?
can i ever recover from it?

this is life, my dad says.
and like my ustaz said there are 4 stages of life we had to go through.
from my understanding,
we are in the second which is the destruction stage.
life on earth is nothing but destruction,
we suffer a lot in this stage and we have to use our faith and brain to tackle it well.
and i have to say,
i have so much more to learn,
and do i have enough time to be the person i visualise myself to be?

so this is life, i said.
it is indeed ugly and at times, painful.
the problem with me is,
if i'm given a paper to write,
i want it to be error free.
once i've made a mistake on a piece of paper,
i don't know how to beautify or decorate or even conceal it,
instead i'll get myself a new piece of paper,
and ensure myself the mistakes won't happened again.
the only time that i would only beautify the mistakes is when i'm left with no other paper.
i think right now, i am running out of papers.
it has come to a time when i need to accept the mistakes and beautify it.

i need to have that instill in my mind.
because if i'm living in denial,
how far can i go pretending?

give me the wisdom to make my life a better one.