and in order to avoid it,
i divert my attention to something that requires more of my cognitive load.
happy moments for 10 september was when i accompanied shikin for ice cream session.
i actually enjoyed her company that driving back i took major roads instead of the highway at 60km/h and past through numerous traffic lights.
i wish that we can always ask each other for dates last minute.
the belgian waffles doesn't taste that nice anymore, lost that ooomppph!
but what was delicious was the whipped cream!
happy moments for 9 september was when i buka together with the partner in the car while driving back to his house.
we had to visit his aunt and alhamdullilah his aunt is recovering well.
with every day that pass by,
i thanked god for giving a chance to experience it,
even though there were days that were not to my liking.