Monday, September 28

this was one of the videos that i watched during the workshop.

it makes you sad then make you laugh when you see the ending.
you can shine!
how about guys?
despite that it is a shampoo advertisement,
it is still inspiring.

never lose that vision because that is the one that's going to motivate and make you work towards that dreams.
obstacles may slows you down from reaching it but it can never stops you from attaining it.

my dream is to have a life on earth which is close to being in heaven.
family, a husband, children, career, home, friends.
i can envision myself being home with my husband and kids,
taking in the warmth of my family.
my dream is to grow old together with my husband by my side,
doing fun and memorable activities together.
children to cheer up the atmosphere and enlighten my days.
i can already imagine my wedding.
there's a vision ahead of me,
what i can do now is to work towards it.
i want to capture that.

right now,
it is beyond my dreams to be studying in nus.
i never dream of that.

the main message i would like to bring across is never give up.
no matter how hard it gets,
try and try and try because the reward will be deserving.

my happy moments for 28 september is having faith in myself that i can do it.