it was because i was caught up with stuff.
friday night was fun catching up with my poly classmates over at estya's house for hari raya.
great fun laugh with them.
surprisingly, i was sent home safely by the partner.
my happy moments on the 2nd october 09 was being able to see my friends and knowing that something is true.
my weekend was interesting.
i spent my saturday morning till afternoon in the cc running the children's day event.
it was fun emcee-ing to the kids,
a lot of repetition and patience!
luckily i still have my voice.
my happy moments for the 3rd october 09 was seeing the children run around, laughing and enjoying their day.
and the other happy moment was when i was held tightly, like a small girl.
listening attentively to the emcee.
excited parents taking pictures of their children.
a whole group photo!
my working committee.
my sunday was spent visiting people's houses for raya.
like finally!
i can go visiting.
the houses that we went,
nurul. rizal. suliza. the partner. mama in. mine. shikin.
and my stomach had to work extra hard because it had to take in the food at every house.
i still have yet to visit my sec school teachers' houses.
maybe next week or so.
my happy moments for 4th october 09 was enjoying myself with my loved ones.
over at suliza's
at mama in's
somewhere in jurong.
some pictures to entertain ourselves.

now i can't walk properly all because of _____.
and it's kinda scary.
if it didn't get better,
i need to see the doctor.
i am able to do the hardest thing which i thought i couldn't do.
and things are going to get brighter.