it was the partner's mom birthday on the 22/11.
which means i will turn 23 in exactly a month.
meanwhile i should still enjoy being 22 for a month!
treasure them.
because giving up would not solve the problem.
it won't end by itself.
you must have the strength and courage to do it,
no matter how hard it gets.
i had a tiring sunday.
helped out at cc open house followed by a wedding to attend with the partner and his poly friends, went on studying with the partner and i end my night with dinner with the partner.
sometime throughout our study session,
we took a break and talked about us, our past being together, our future, the way we live our life, our dreams and ambitions.
i have to say i truly enjoyed every minute of the talk because it's quite rare to talk about us in this light.
we were looking far into the future and it's nice to have a vision of us together.
it gives me hope.
i hope that we can have deja vu.
what we've been through is totally insane.
but still the Almighty shows us.
we will go through more thick and thin together hand-in-hand and encouraging one another.
on another note,
thanks for seeing me in a very positive light.
life is not easy.
but i promise you as long as i shall live,
i wouldn't let you be on your own.