i am going to be a little crude in this entry.
i'm sorry if any of you feel offensive in a way or another.
in life,
sh*t happens.
and the result of it is a scar
be it literally or hid deep inside you.
no doubt,
the scar can be wounded however the process is painful.
once it has healed,
in a matter of time,
another scar will develop.
there is no guarantee that there won't be anymore scars.
just when you think you're happy,
whether you like it or not,
give a little more time and you'll have a scar.
it becomes a cycle all over again.
scar heal, get another scar, back to healing.
the scar acts as a reminder of your failures.
but how many people do really take the reminder?
change is the hardest thing a person can do.
to change is to look at things in a different way.
not only that you will also need every support you can get.
but people sometimes get too impatient that you don't have time to show them the results.
and eventually,
that brings you down and you have to try even harder to change.
why can't people be grateful for what they have instead of always wanting the best?
hear the cries and know their sorrow,
before it's too late.
i am extremely disappointed.
when the scar are still fresh,
what one needs is a person who sympathize and care.
to make one feel like a human being and worthy to live.
to the partner,
your gestures touched me last night.
thank you for your concern.
i was really in need of you.
and i hope that motivates you to take even good care of me.
i've been through so much and i need someone who truly care for me and save me from the misery.