Monday, September 5

why did you smile before you sleep?

being pregnant makes me a light sleeper.
i kept waking up to see whether my husband is done with work, or to look at the time or to see whether my husband is asleep, or wake my husband up for toilet break.

i happened to wake up when my husband was about to sleep and i found him smiling to himself without him knowing that i saw him smiling.
until he saw my eyes wide open.
he always get a shocked whenever i have my eyes wide open while he thinks i am asleep.

so today morning i asked him.
why did my husband smiled to himself before he sleeps?

"because he sees you peacefully asleep and is thankful for being given the opportunity to see it :)"

alamak sayang,
how can i not love you?
those laughters we shared are moments i treasured.
you make my pregnancy much more easier to cope.
thank you honey for loving me.

rest assured that papa is going to try to be the best daddy for you,
just like how he was to mama,the best husband.
mama will definitely work hard to be the best mummy to you!
papa really enjoys talking to you and rubbing my tummy.
be one of the best children for papa and mama okay?

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