Thursday, April 19

A juggler

I have been busy.
Busy with my daughter, work, community work, husband and something new.
I have been busy stabilizing myself with the different roles.
I have taken a long break ever since I was pregnant and now it is time to resume the things I used to do.
Even though there are so many things to do,
I don't wish for more time.
However, I wish for more energy to do much more.

Definitely, it will be hard in the initial stage trying to juggle the different roles.
With time, it will be easier.


Anonymous said...

Yup i know the feeling. But important do take care of urself.. Klau sihat insyaAllah semua blh buat..especially now tgh musim org sakit flu n me huhuhu


Atirah said...

Thank you mummy Sakeenah!

Please take care of yourself, so that you can take care of Sumayyah. hehe.

See you soon!