Thursday, April 26

Mothers Day Gift!

Mothers' Day is next two weeks!
Got her anything to declare your love yet?

If not, check out (click on it)

One of a kind and definitely a head turner!

There are towel cakes and diaper cakes.
Have you heard of shawl cakes?

Cakemistry is the first to create shawl cakes in Singapore and perhaps the first in the world!

The above cake is truly a shawl cake.
It is made up of 6 shawls and 3 flowery pins.

A cake that is a mixture of towels and shawls.
There are 2 shawls and 2 flowery pins.

It is something new and unique.

It will be a pleasant surprise to your mom!

She will definitely love her Mothers' Day gift!

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