Thursday, August 23

Mishel's First Movie!

Mothering lesson #123

I was just browsing through Golden Village's website when I came across the below.
Sounds like a good idea! 
We chose Lorax!

All was good! 
Mishel wasn't restless. 
She watched some parts of the show, slept, ate and look around during the movie. 

I requested for a child booster seat but throughout the movie she was sitting on my lap.
This was during the credits when I let her sat on the booster seat.
A very happy baby Mishel! 

The diaper table. 
There were a lot of empty seats, perhaps because it was in the weekend.
It was nice to see kids watching movie with their parents. 

After the movie, Mishel went swimming!

Since I was alone, I didn't bring the stroller. 
Carried Mishel using the baby carrier. 

Thank goodness Plaza Singapura is a family oriented mall. 
They have a complimentary loan of baby stroller! 

The stroller wasn't in tip top condition, but it was okay. 
Mishel even managed to fall asleep in it. 

My husband called and he joined us. 

Mishel and papa chilling at the PS Family Lounge. 
In order to enter the Family Lounge, you must spend a minimum of $50. 

We ended our day by breaking our fast.
Mishel before she fell asleep.

It was a wonderful experience bringing Mishel to the movie. 

Mishel sweetheart,
next time when you are older, we can go shopping together!

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