Wednesday, August 8

The White Flag

Mothering Lesson #438

Mishel 1, Mama 0

Why does it seems that Mishel is more energetic than me?
I took time off from work to spend a 'full' few days with her and I am amazed at her energy levels!

She can't keep still.
She keeps on moving.
If I hug her a little longer, she will try to free herself by wriggling.

She loves exploring new things.
She likes to hold on/pull to stand up.
She doesn't mind falling down (but I'm afraid for her)
She likes to climb on people.
She enjoys biting people.
If she didn't get her way, she will babble loudly continuously and eventually cry.
She loves looking at the mirror.
She enjoys sticking out her tongue and tilting her head.
She will only crawl on mattress and soft surfaces, once she crawls to a hard surface, she stopped crawling.
She gets bored very fast.
She is very wary of unfamiliar faces.

Putting her to sleep now is tough and getting her dressed is a challenge.
*shakes head*

Oh yes,
when Mishel turned 8 months on 30 July,
2 teeth can be seen on her lower gum.

For now,
I need to catch up with her.

MISHELLLL! Wait up for mama!

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