and so monsieur mutalib and mademoiselle atirah met up.
we had dinner together and as usual, enjoyed one another's company.
he also shared with me a piece of good news. =)
i am proud of you baby!
since the partner was feeling slightly unwell,
i said something,
"honey, we go to the arcade after this."
he beamed.
since i never initiated to go to the arcade before.
i guess it does help him to feel better.
if you happened to spot a couple in dark clothings throwing basketballs in the hoop in an arcade,
most probably it was us.
oh boy!
it was tiring shooting those balls in the hoop.
and we played our favourite game,
that was spot the difference on the touch on screen.
we head over to my house so that i am able to send him home.
while at the short stay,
he still appeared slighty weak.
thus, i massaged his back since he said it was aching.
mom even showed me how to massage effectively.
mom were on the phone with mama in chatting and the 2 of them were laughing at us.
the end effect of the massage:
the partner felt a little better and no doubt my hands were tired but it is priceless to pamper the partner.
on the way to send the partner home,
we were chatting regarding his upcoming birthday celebration which i needed his inputs on how he will like it to be celebrated
and we were interupted by kat's dedication over the radio.
her dedication to her fiance.
it was cute lah!
not that i don't know how to surprise the partner.
i do.
i keep cracking my brain cells to come up with new interesting, romantic surprises.
it's how the partner feel over the surprise.
he is always happy with the surprises i did for him.
but now,
i want him to feel extremely happy.
see the difference?
for example,
if your partner surprised you with a new top,
of course you will be happy.
but wouldn't you be happier if he surprised you with a letter filled with his undying love for you or made something for you?
it all depends on individuals.
that was why i asked the partner.
so as to confirm that i was in line with what truly makes him happy.
so before we head to sleep,
we talked to one another.
some part of the conversation on the phone call i had with him,
the partner: honey, my mom said 'tiap-tiap hari jumpa. simpan duit untuk kahwin.' (everyday meet, save money for marriage)
me: haha! so honey, what did you reply?
the partner: i said 'tengah kumpul ni' (am saving now)
and the both of us were laughing.
the partner commented that he was simply touched by papa 2's words describing him on last sunday.
yes, i agreed with papa 2 too.
i added on that my family members really love him.
my parents are treating him like their own.
and he said,
"honey, my parents also love you."
there were times he complained that his parents are treating me better than him.
for the past 2 years or so,
his parents have bought lots of things for me,
like the laptop, genting trip, baju kurungs so that i can wear something matching with their son, necklace, and many other things.
i know how much family blessings will affect our relationship.
i am glad it is this way.
syukur alhamdullilah.
that sms from you was really sweet.
it made me want to read it all over and over again.
and darling,
not only you who have the ever fulfilling partner.
i too, have to thank you for being the ever fulfilling partner.
i love you.