everything seems to be in a mess.
time and time again, i've tried so hard to fight it.
which at times,
i found tears streaming down my face
i can't take it anymore and i don't understand.
it's been hard.
i know god won't challenged me something that i can't take on.
He's testing me.
it is life.
you have your fun days,
you have your gloomy days.
you enjoy,
you suffer.
it can't be help.
we all have our days.
it don't only happened to you.
never give up,
because the time will soon past by.
things are looking brighter now and i'm starting to feel jovial.
and i always believe that things happened for a reason.
the partner has been a sweetheart,
he knows when i'm not myself even though i pretend to be myself,
and he's been throwing words of encouragement to pull my spirits up,
because he said, it pains him to see me sad.
he even make time for me and become silly just to see me laugh.
like on friday,
i was just expecting mcflurry,
but he bought more,
fries, spicy nuggets and green tea to share it with me.
i can see his effort to cheer me up,
and i appreciate it.
and today,
the partner and i break fast outside,
we even had fruits on the table for desserts, it was the partner who initiated it.
a good meal.
the car ride was super fun!
all the songs and the silly half-body dance moves plus the lots of teasing!

darling, garling, marling,
for all you did,
thank you love.
i really love you so much,
every bit of you baby!
i want to make you the luckiest guy darling!
my heart gleam at the sight/thoughts/illusion of you.
you're that lighthouse that i never fail to see when i'm in a stormy weather.