my laptop has been repaired.
my camera has also been repaired.
so both are fine and perfectly workable.
i'm prone to dropping things and for the record, i never drop either one of them.
even though both the partner and i got our laptop at the same time.
the difference is that i've send my laptop 5 times for repair while he have no problems with his.
and it's all the same problem.
the motherboard.
maybe the way i used it.
i think i tend to overexert them.
on a different note,
yesterday morning,
i've received a shocking sms from wahyuddin, a close poly friend of mine, stated that his dad has passed away.
semoga Allah mencucuri rahmatnya.
the partner and i together with sakeenah and nadia went to pay a visit to his house in the evening.
i thought it was going to be awkward,
thankfully it wasn't.
i asked both the partner and him if it was alright with them.
since you see,
i used to date him but nothing serious.
the partner knows the whole story about it.
i am glad that the partner is willing to come along.
since we are in the east and we still have time for the game,
i accompanied the partner to a soccer match.
and being in the east,
we don't miss the opportunity to eat hei sushi!

to end our night,
we had a quiet supper with cheesecakes.

you know i'm nuts about oreo cheesecakes now.
for this week alone,
i've ate 3 of it.
i have to curb this addiction.
because one it expensive (i'll go bankrupt just eating cheesecakes all the time)
secondly, it's fattening!
can i cut down to twice a month?
finally i get to meet nurul in school though it was only for a short while.
and she gave me a birthday present.

and i'm happy with the contents inside.
an elegant mini pouch for formal event, lipgloss and eyeshodaw palette.
thank you nurul!
i've relink you already!
being a student,
i have to be creative.
not only in the sense of ideas but also clothings.
mix-match it.
people my age are already earning $$$$.
while i am still dependent on my parents.
i can't afford to go shopping every week/month.
i think that dampen my mood to shop.
i've asked myself when was the last time i got myself a pants/tops/bags/shoes?
it was a long, long time ago,
not counted the birthday presents i got from the partner.
why am i not getting a job?
i will soon tuition the partner's neighbour.
but then again,
i would have to spend the money wisely.
despite all this,
i'm thankful to god that he makes me appreciate the things that i have now.
and makes me realised that money isn't everything.
money can only make you happy temporarily but never permanently.
because people are never satisfied.
they want more.
and i hope that furthering my studies is a wise choice.
because i believed in the notion of struggle first, enjoy the reward later.
challenges that god gives are opportunity for us to know ourselves better.
seeing you was good,
real good.
thanks for the enjoyable time together.