Wednesday, January 28

the batam trip

i am still not late to wish all my chinese readers a........
prosperous chinese new year!

i was back from the batam trip yesterday.
it was fun and so enjoyable having the partner with me.

how can i not enjoy free trip right?
the trip is sponsored by the partner's dad.

thanks cik!

the first thing the partner looked out for when we visited a shopping mall was a&w.
upon seeing it,
he was so ecstatic!
his whole face lighted up!
if he was a small boy,
he would have jump on the spot.

the happiness spread to me when i saw waffles and ice cream!

just nice!

what i realised about the traffic in batam was that even though there wasn't much traffic lights to guide the drivers and motorists,
they are considerate to give way to the others.
and of course the road is always filled with honking to warn the others.
unlike singapore,
it is just so hard to slow down to give way to people.
maybe because for us every minute is $$$$.

just a shot at the hotel's lobby.

and for 2 nights straight,
we had seafood!
when the waitresses start serving,
we all start digging and we don't care about anything other than filling our stomach with the delicious dishes.

and it was the first time i tried gong-gong.
not that bad.
i kinda get hooked to it.

both of our dinner were filled with laugher because of the pelawak!
can't help it but to laugh!

and on the 2nd day,
we went to a bridge.
the bridge was soooooo windy!
and we can hear the wind.
wooosh woooosh wooooshh......

you can see how windy it was by the pictures below.

i am helpless with my hair due to the wind.

part of the bridge's structure.
taken by the partner.

the focus is on my hair.
a fan can't blow my hair that way.
so you can imagine how strong the wind is.
i felt that i can be blown away because the wind was really strong.

throughout the journey in the bus, the partner and i got restless and we played thumb challenge,
the 'pepsi cola 1, 2, 3' game.
and look at how small my fingers are.

the partner and i decided to explore the places near the hotel and we dropped by macdonalds.
they have coke float there.

i love the hotel's swimming pool.
it is surrounded by tropical plants.
and it was really nice!

and the partner and i had a chance to swim.

breakfast was alright.

while waiting for the partner's mom to shop.

and of course i didn't forget to get nyam nyam!

right now,
i've already eaten about 12 of it.

the last shot taken at the lobby.

i don't know what kind of pose is this.

throughout our stay there,
*boom boom boom*
we managed to see lots of fireworks.
one of their ways to welcome and celebrate the lunar new year.

the clothes there are smaller,
like a size smaller.
i feel so fat being there because i can't fit much of the clothes.
take it this way,
we see westerners big sized,
so over there,
they see singaporeans as big sized.
we should be grateful that we have more than enough food to eat,

away from the trip,
instead of spelling and using the baby 'by'.
or bie or bi or whatever other spelling.
i decided to use bee!

and a joke i have for the partner.
what did you have for lunch bee? honey?
get it?
bee and honey?
ok i'm lame,
i know.
just new idea that i'm willing to share.
i'll still remain with honey.

thank you for that first touch.
i needed that.
thank you for putting me first and protecting me.
thank you for being my boyfriend,
my sweet boyfriend.
our hands will never let go.
our love will never fade.
we will never part.
i love you baby.