Friday, January 16

pms on appetite and feelings

my eating appettite has gone berserk!
there's no switch to control it!
i've been craving for food.
ok i was not a fan of cheesecake but i just got hooked to starbuck's oreo cheesecake!
i've been eating a lot.
blame pms!
actually, i don't mind gaining weight but just don't tipped the scale.

and also blame the pms for being too sensitive.
also pms for making me feel lethargic.
why can't people with pms be normal?

i'm having dinner meeting tonight with the win council members,
indian style!
and i haven't figure out what to wear.
now i'm thinking whether should i drive or have the partner fetch me?
how ah?
when stuck in a situation,
what do people do?

the reading list for the modules has been piling!
and i've not been reading!
this is not good!

syafiqah is stressed over which courses to take in poly.
she had listed down the courses but after much advices and inputs,
she rearranged it.
and now,

i don't understand.
why is it when i'm angry with the partner,
it wouldn't last long?
i wanted to do this, this, this and this.
but it never happen.
do i say it out of anger or do i mean it?
hours later,
i start thinking of the time we spent together.
i've always trying to find that 'secret ingredients' that soothe me down.
is the answer love?
about being forgiving and 'forget-ful'?
oh well,
i don't know.

just 2 days ago,
we get to go to the place where we started getting back,
we ate and sat at the same place we did.
the time when sudoku remove our barrier and fears,
and that interlocking of fingers made us feel so right together.
we held hands and walked around aimlessly.
we were happily in love and now, we are happily in love.

it's simply nice to have him by my side and think of desserts together.
and also,
it's simply nice to have him by my side and make a decision together.
together is wonderful.

i smiled to myself missing him.
how silly can love make me?

can i ever stop blogging about you?
or has it become a habit to have some time off specially for you to think of you before i end my entry/day?
do you do the same for me?