Monday, February 2

i just have to blog.

right now, my language skills seem handicap and limited when it comes to explaining what am i feeling.
i am experiencing something that is beyond wonderful.
it's bubbling within me, full of excitement and happiness.
it feels as though my heart is lighted up with something unexplainable, something nice.
you should have guessed it.
it's the partner that ignite this feeling in me.

is the word that i'm searching for is loved?
am i feeling so loved?

maybe that's it.

maybe eversince i had that nightmare about the partner,
i've changed the way i think and really not take the partner for granted.
now i'm no longer blinded by the little efforts he puts in.
i see it and i know it,
no matter how small.
it's like i'm given a new perspective to look at.
and with that,
it shows how much the partner is willing to sacrifice for me.
how much he loves me.

i really like the way i'm looking at things now.
syukur alhamdulliah.

once you found what i've found,
you will be happy throughout your life.
and i wished all of you are given the opportunity to feel it.
because it's just too wonderful and heavenly.

i am really really really really glad to have found you honey.
you make my life on earth more meaningful.
i owe you my life for loving me like no one did.
we have so many events, things, moments to look forward to,
i'm excited honey.
i love you sweetheart.