let me recall what happy moments i encountered on monday, 24th aug.
i teased my grandma during buka!
that was it!
and also discuss something soooo interesting over the net with him.
tuesday, 25th aug happy moments was when i had crepes!
i purposely tempt the partner with a sms filled with CREPEScrepesCREPEScrepesCREPEScrepesCREPEScrepesCREPEScrepes!
and it worked!
i know his weaknesses,
blamed it on the years that i've tried understanding him.
the crepes wasn't that fantastic as the ones we had in japan (below).
papa crepe's was yummy, heavenly at the first bite!
apart from the crepes,
we walked round and round aimlessly at the basement 3 (i think) of ion orchard to get a drink.
i have to admit,
i am clumsy.
he should know how clumsy i am.
and i hope my clumsiness entertain him.
while checking out my parking,
i remembered pushing the button to wind the window down.
so i thought the window was winding down by itself,
and i confidently turn my face and *piak* hit my face on the window.
luckily, the partner didn't see it but unfortunately, he heard it and started laughing at his girlfriend.
before our adventure for crepes,
i break fast with his parents yesterday over at his house.
only the 3 of us excluding him since he was at work.
i thought it was going to be awkward but it wasn't.
they keep asking me to take some more food so that i can gain some weight.
right now,
i should catch up on my sleep so i'll be fresh for lectures later!