Saturday, August 22


he might hate me for blogging about this.
so be it.
this is my blog,
it's my rights to blog about whatever i want.

he told me,
he regretted what had happened.
he is ashamed of what people think of him. (this would add in more shame since people are going to read this)

now he can see the consequences of his actions?

he wants a second chance.
i have 2 options to that.
either to accept or reject the request.

i simply never believe in second chance.
it's like you have one and only chance,
prove yourself well.

then again,
there was once that i failed in my studies,
but i never give up and eventually that lead me to another chance.
there might be times when second chance do come,
so what you gotta do?
work harder!
it won't be as simple as the first one.

it's like you've failed,
you try harder don't you?
ignore what others have to say and have faith in yourself to prove yourself worthy.
the word 'giving up' never exist if you truly believe in second chances.
but can he do that?

he told me,
he read my blog every day.
and there are moments when his emotions are being spur.
due to happiness, at times sadness, and sometimes touched by my entries.

he told me,
the reasons why he loves me.
but i can't remember much since it was too overwhelming for me to take it in.
if you are reading this,
could you email me the reasons again?

i know when i fall in love,
there are risks that i am taking.
there are challenges to overcome.
he's been trying ways to win me again but i'm being hard.
and that might even make him lose hope.
i even had to ask my bestfriend,
"do you think he loves me?"
and she gave me a look that says don't-be-stupid-it's-so-obvious,
followed by "yes, he does."

is this one of the greatest challenges that the both of us have to overcome together to prove that we still love each other?
was our years of being together strong enough?
can love overcome any challenges?
not that.
can true love overcome any challenges?
do the love we shared is true?

i know him.
he is someone who learns things the hard way.
is this the hardest lesson he ever learnt?

if it is and he is sincere about it and truly regret what he did,
soften my heart to let him in and give him courage to prove himself worthy in my eyes.

to you,
if you meant every word that you said,
pray to the Almighty for us.