Thursday, September 17

happy moments 16 and 17

happy moments for 16 september 09 was when i sleep with my grandma.
it brought me back to the time when i was younger.

happy moments for 17 september 09 was when i went daiso with mom to get "worthy" items.
another happy moments was when the partner surprised me with a phone call asking where i was,
to his dismay,
i was out but he was under my blk.
so he had to wait anddddd........
he surprised me with
ebi temaki!

my favourite!
and also a sour plum drink!

today was terrible.
i had cramps, back ache, and i felt so lethargic.
thank goodness i've managed to get through school.
the partner who is concern send me home halfway.
i hope there weren't be cramps tomorrow.

right now,
i got to revise for the paper tomorrow.