Friday, October 7


as of today,
according to my expected date of delivery,
i am left with 50 days.
not sure whether she wants us to welcome her earlier or later.

4 more days to my husband's 28th.
2 more days to his birthday celebration.
he keeps asking me about the plans and i am trying my hard not to spill anything.

still on countdown,
i remembered i was counting down to my wedding day last year.
how excited i was to change my status and to spend the rest of my life with my husband.

in time to come,
i will have a countdown to having our first house!
to furnish our house and make it a home.
that will be exciting!

and more countdowns to having more children.

while i am busy counting down with things in life,
i should also remind myself that the Almighty is counting down the days till i return back to Him.
if only we knew when is our time on earth is up,
most of us will live and view life in a different way.

so always be thankful that you get to experience life this far.

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